How to Sew Fabric Baby Blocks from Scrap Fabrics | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: How to Sew Fabric Baby Blocks from Scrap Fabrics

How to Sew Fabric Baby Blocks from Scrap Fabrics

Do you have tons of scraps laying around? I know I do. Plus I am always looking for new things to sew for my baby. These baby blocks are a great toy, plus you don't even need a pattern for them.
pattern baby blocks sewing gift simple and quick idea scrap buster project
I have tons of scraps of fabric. I am always looking for ways to use them up. One solution that I have found is to make baby blocks with them.

These blocks are stuffed with a mixture of batting and small fabric scraps (about 1 inch). They are a bit heavier than normal, but that is great for stacking.

pattern baby blocks sewing gift simple and quick idea scrap buster projectMy girls love them. They are constantly playing with them, even though they were made for baby shower gifts.

These blocks are super easy to make. All you do is cut out 6 squares of fabric (these blocks are 6 inches square) I have also done 4 inch ones and they were a great size also. I did a 9 inch square one and it was a bit big.

Then after you have cut them out, sew the squares together to form a block, with the right sides of the fabrics facing each other. I like to sew 3 pieces together in the shape of an L, then repeat with the other 3. Then sew them together. Make sure to leave a small opening so that you can turn the block right side out and then stuff the block with your choice of material.

Have a great day and Happy Sewing


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