Mothers Day Gifts and Craft Ideas for Kids | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Mothers Day Gifts and Craft Ideas for Kids

Mothers Day Gifts and Craft Ideas for Kids

 This is your friendly reminder that Mother's day is just around the corner.  Funny cause as I was preparing this post I kept thinking "Moms are the ones that read my blog...they won't be making themselves any gifts!"  But alas, I still did the post.  So you can "accidentally leave this blog post open on your computer so your husband will see it and "hopefully" get an idea or 2 on what to help your kids make for you! 

So here is a quick roundup of a few kids crafts that I found on the blogosphere this morning.  First off a few links with tons of craft ideas:

Mothers Day Crafts - Kids Books - Children's Activities and Crafts for Mother's Day

Then we all could use a cute bouquet for Mother's Day.  Especially if it comes in our favorite drink!
Handmade Website
Or a candy bar bouquet?
The little ones could draw your faces:
Bitsy Creations
First Grade a la Carte~put the things they love about their mom on the stems or a job they will do for Mom
I Can Teach My Child Footprint Art
For more Mothers Day Craft Ideas visit my Mothers Day Pinterest Board
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