Easiest Quilt Binding Method EVER! Binding a Quilt with Clear Thread | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Easiest Quilt Binding Method EVER! Binding a Quilt with Clear Thread

Easiest Quilt Binding Method EVER! Binding a Quilt with Clear Thread

easiest quilt binding method ever.  Binding a quilt with clear thread
I don't know about you, but after I have sewn together a quilt top, then basted, and finally quilted a quilt, the last thing I want to do is sit with a needle and thread and hand sew binding onto the quilt.

So here is my method for binding a quilt with no hand sewing required, just your regular ol sewing machine, a walking foot, and clear thread are all you need!
For more info on the type of machine I use and recommend head on over to our blog post
easiest quilt binding method ever.  Binding a quilt with clear thread
I first sew my binding onto the quilt like you would normally. 
machine binding with clear thread
Then change your thread to clear thread in both the top thread and the bobbin.  Fold your excess binding over and hid it under your exposed binding and then sew as close to the edge as possible. 

machine binding with clear threadmachine binding with clear thread
and Voila!  You have a beautifully bound quilt, without a ton of hand sewing! 
Easiest Quilt Binding Method Ever binding with clear thread
Easiest Quilt Binding Method Ever binding with clear thread

Fabrics from AVTRFabrics.com


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