
Blog Ad: Ads are located on the top right hand side of my blog.  
125 x 125 ad
3 months for $5


Sponsor Blog Posts:  I post at least 4 times a week. You would be the sponsor of the posts that week.  This ad would be viewable to those that subscribe and don't click over to my blog at that time.  One of those posts are a link party that is well attended (most weeks there are over 1000 views).
This ad can be larger up to 400x100


 Giveaway: will be posted on Mondays.  Must be at least $25.00 value.  I will promote on over 10 sites to gain the maximum amount of exposure possible.  

Product Review: In order to write an accurate and complete review I must be able to personally test the product.

Product samples sent for review will not be returned.

Reviews will express my experience with the product, my opinion of the product, and will be honest.

This can be done in conjunction with a giveaway.  Please email me for details at boblyns at yahoo dot com


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